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Raquel featured among the "22 for '22: Composers and performers you should watch this year"
January 22, 2022
by Michael Andor Brodeur via The Washington Post
Nominator Angélica Negrón calls this Brooklyn-based conductor, vocalist, instrumentalist and visual artist a “force to be reckoned with.” Klein, 27, is interested in engagement and moving musical experiences outside of their conventional milieus — later this year she’ll be the lead vocalist in a recorded opera that will play on a perpetual loop at the MIT Museum. Her “Polyphonic Interlace” is an “audience-interactive vocal symphony” made from 40 recorded layers of her voice that audiences can play with their phones. In 2021, Klein conducted the premiere of “No One Is Forgotten,” an immersive radio opera from Paola Prestini, Sxip Shirey and Winter Miller. As a vocalist, Klein has recorded and performed with a variety of acts — from Arcade Fire and the National to the Knights and the New York Philharmonic. In 2022, she’ll premiere “Wisteria,” a song cycle in collaboration with Caroline Shaw and Angélica Negrón.

Review: 21c Liederabend
December 16, 2021
by Evelyn Kocak via Opera News
"Raquel Acevedo Klein made a notable impression coaxing this moment from Eimold with her impassioned conducting."

Join a Musical Meditation Bringing Together Hundred Worldwide
April 3, 2020
NY Times does a feature on Raquel's festival Music on the Rebound and her groundbreaking, interactive performances of The World Wide Tuning Meditation by Pauline Oliveros during the initial COVID-19 lockdown.
Raquel Receives the 2020 NYC Women's Fund Award from NYFA and the Mayor's Office of Media & Entertainment
March 12, 2020

This award is going towards the release of her upcoming album Se Levanta (It Rises): A multimedia expression of the Nuyorican community following the aftermath of Hurricane María and earthquakes in Puerto Rico.
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